Daxue vs. Analects – Reflections from American High School Students

It is a tradition for our students to write a course reflection (free writing) at the end of each marking period. When our students submitted their reflections on the past third marking period, I noticed that several students unexpectedly compared the Great Learning with Analects. It is interesting to learn their perspectives. So I excerpted the portion relating to the Chinese classics reading and reciting from their reflections, and combined them into one. So far, our Chinese class students read the first six books of Analects of Confucius (論語學而第一~雍也第六) fluently, and have been learning the first seven chapters of the Great Learning (大學) since the Spring Festival of 2018.

Na Hanlong: As we have finished six books of 论语, our class started reading 大学, with the intent of finishing all twelve chapters by the end of the school year. I found that reading 大学 has many similarities with 论语, but there are some differences. For example, some of the earlier chapters of 大学 have repeated structures in its phrasing, like with use of 欲..其..者 structure in the second chapter, or the repeated use of 如切如磋, 如琢如磨,  瑟兮僩兮,and 赫兮喧兮in the fourth chapter. On the other hand, 论语 typically had a different structure for each chapter which made gave it more variety but also made it more difficult to learn. Personally, I enjoy reading 大学 as it is a unique classic that we have not read much before.

Wu Jingjing: Overall during this marking period, I feel that I am able to learn characters faster than before. The vocabulary quizzes were not difficult and I did not need to work as hard to memorize them. I contribute this ability mostly to reciting 大学 . While I didn’t mind reading 论语, I found that it was much harder to memorize the unfamiliar words. 大学 is easier to recite not only because it is shorter in the chapters’ length, but also because there’s a pattern like repeating characters at the beginning or end of a sentence. I find myself enjoying reciting more, and more confident in speaking louder/clearer.

Zheng Hanfei: We continued to recite and learn new chapters of LunYu by Confucius and now we have learned 7 chapters of DaXue. Truthfully, I like the flow and meter of DaXue more than LunYu; however, the insight and wisdom is better in LunYu. I have learned a lot about ancient Chinese culture and philosophy.

Zhong Jiaying: In contrast to the previous marking periods this year, marking period 3 indicated the beginning of my class reading/reciting 大学. While I did enjoy reciting 论语for the past few marking periods, I was excited to begin a new journey reading a new philosophical text. While learning to recite a completely foreign text is extremely difficult on its own, my class was also tasked with reading 大学using a book of traditional Chinese characters. Although we are not typically used to reading traditional characters, I believe this will also help us to be able to more quickly recognize new characters.

Wu Yuru: In Chinese class itself, we continued learning from the traditional book 大学. I feel like it has become pretty normal because we have been reciting for almost three or four years now.

Zhao Mochou: During marking period 4 I hope we analyze more of the Great Learning. I looked up a translation for “知止而后有定、定而后能靜、靜而后能安、安而后能慮、 慮而后能得。物有本末、事有終始。知所先後則近道矣。” According to http://www.acmuller.net/con-dao/greatlearning.html it means, “When you know where to stop, you have stability. When you have stability, you can be tranquil. When you are tranquil, you can be at ease. When you are at ease, you can deliberate. When you can deliberate you can attain your aims.” My mom is a Buddhist and always tells me to calm down, to be more stable and balanced like herself. Although I am short-tempered and excitable by nature, I think this is good advice. Plus, we saw it in the film Hero when the calm, focused woman won the sword-fight against the woman who was obviously angry and flustered.

Zhongjiaying Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social status in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

Zhong Jiaying –

1) Out of Confucius’ 3,000 disciples, 子路 is probably one of my favorites. Not only is 子路 the “leader of the disciples,” but he also stayed with Confucius for the longest time. Although he may have been frequently criticized by Confucius, he served almost as a bodyguard to Confucius and protected him throughout his years, which truly shows his strength in loyalty. Although 子路 was primarily considered a disciple of Confucius, he was, more importantly, Confucius’ friend who would risk his life to help him.

2) In 学而第一,孔子 says “不患人之不己知,患不知人也,” which translates loosely to “I will not be afflicted at men’s not knowing me; I will be afflicted that I do not know men.” I think this truly shows Confucius’s selflessness and his focus on putting others and society before himself.

3)Confucius did not encourage people to risk their lives; in fact, he said that people should keep away from danger and preserve their health. His teaching philosophies emphasize the need for wisdom and happiness in society.

4)When a coup was staged inside the capital, Gao Chai asked 子路 to come away with him to find a safe place. However, 子路 said he could not run away because he served Kong Kui. At that time, two warriors were sent to kill 子路, and he was forced to fight them by himself. I think 子路’s death not only shows his courage and bravery, but it shows how respectful of a person he was. As stated in the documentary, “He chose to die decently at that time…he showed his respect for Confucius through his death.”

5) 颜回 is thought to have many of the same character traits as Confucius. Confucius thought his greatest strength was his fondness of studying; similarly, 颜回 also loved to study. When Confucius asked three of his disciples, “what is the difference between a wise man and a benevolent man,” 颜回 responded with the best answer: “A wise man knows himself while a benevolent man loves himself.”

6) 子贡 was one of Confucius’s wealthiest disciples, and he was not only a successful businessman, but he was also an outstanding diplomat. He paid for most of the expenses whenever Confucius traveled, and kings would actually view him as an equal simply because he was so wealthy. Although he was not the richest man in Chinese history, 子贡 was the man that spent his money in the most valuable way.

Nahanlong Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social status in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

Na Hanlong –

  1. 颜回 is my favorite student of Confucius because he was very knowledgeable and Confucius held him in very high regard. 颜回 also was honest, as demonstrated by the story with the 粥.
  2. This quote from 里仁第四 of 论语 is one of the ones that strike me the most: 子曰:富与贵是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处也;贫与贱是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次必於是,颠沛必於是。 I appreciate this quote because it emphasizes the importance of being good despite it sometimes being difficult and that one must only use virtue as a means of achieving their goals.
  3. 孔子’s teaching philosophy emphasizes education so that people can serve beneficial roles in society. For example, many of 孔子’s teachings revolve around how to be a good leader, student, teacher, or family member. All of these roles are necessary for a functioning society.
  4. I think 子路’s courage even in dying is admirable, as well as his choice to demonstrate civility in his last moments by tying his head straps.
  5. 孔子 expected to pass on Confucianism to 颜回 as he was one of his favorite and most knowledgeable students. 孔子 knew 颜回 as an honest and wise man, even if he was misunderstood by others.
  6. 子贡 was considered the smartest because he could accurately forecast the market situation and was an effective diplomat, and he still preferred being 孔子’s student.

Ganlida Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Studnets”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social status in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

Gan Lida –

  1. 颜回 is my favorite student because he was extremely truthful and considerate of others. He also had great wisdom and said that wise men know themselves and benevolent men love themselves.
  2. From chapter 4: 子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。” This can be translated to “the Master said, ‘When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.’” This philosophy teaches us to avoid comparing ourselves to others in negative ways, but instead attempt to improve ourselves. Instead of being jealous of others, we can aspire to become better. Also, many times, the faults that we see in other people are merely projections of our own insecurities.
  3. One of Kongzi’s beliefs was that people should adhere to their principles, but still try to preserve their health. In other words, he felt that one should not unnecessarily put oneself in danger. Kongzi was also not afraid to discipline his students. He even insulted his disciples in order to teach them valuable lessons.
  4. Zilu died in an attempt to stop the coup at the capital at Wei. Although Gao Cai ran away from the capital and advised Zilu to do the same, Zilu decided to stay. Two young soldiers were sent to fight Zilu (who was 63 years old at the time), and he was not able to survive against them. Although Zilu’s death was tragic, he died honorably by choosing civilization over force.
  5. Kongzi said himself that he was not equal to Yanhui. Yanhui could “hear one point and then know all about a subject.” He was also very honest and benevolent, as evidenced by the story about the congee and the ash.
  6. Zigong had good business sense, was very wealthy, and was able to resolve the situation with the kingdom of Lu.

Duhaidi Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social status in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

Du Haidi-

1) 子路 is my favorite of Confucius’s students because he is the most unorthodox. When he first meets Confucius, he is dressed in outlandish clothing, wearing a cocksomb-shaped hat and boar teeth. This is not something that one would expect from a future disciple of Confucius. He does this to showcase his strength, as he knows that Confucius has beaten him in wisdom. However, Confucius shows 子路 that true strength comes from civility, not masculinity. This humbles 子路, and he chooses to become Confucius’s student.

2) The quotation “朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可圬也” strikes me the most. First of all, it emphasizes the importance of a sturdy foundation. One must master the basics before attempting to pursue higher levels of achievement in any field. Second of all, it references poop, which is not something that I ever expected to hear in 论语.

3) Later in his life, Confucius was devoted to protecting the state of Lu (his homeland). To do this, he had 子贡 travel to different states and act as a diplomat, persuading the rulers of each state to change their plans according to 子贡’s plan of saving Lu.

4) Eventually, 子路 went to Wei and resided outside of the capital. When there was a coup staged in the capital, rather than run away, 子路 went to the capital. At the gate of the capital, 子路 meet another one of Confucius’s disciples fleeing the city. He asked 子路 to go with him, but 子路 refused, saying that he could not because he served Kong Kui. In the capital, two young warriors were sent to kill 子路. He was not afraid to die, and died honoring Confucius. When they first met, Confucius told 子路 that the greatest strength was found in civility, not force. So, he didn’t fight in the end, he put his helmet back on, manifesting civility in his dress. 子路 followed this principle to his death.

5) 颜回 was the most important disciple to Confucius because Confucius had planned to pass on Confucianism to 颜回 after his own death.

6) Merchants had the lowest social status in traditional Chinese society because they were not relatively rich. Wealth guaranteed more respect, and therefore, better social status.

Wu Yuru Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social status in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

Wu Yuru –

1) My favorite character is 子路 because he has always been loyal to 孔子 and even died of loyalty to him. He showed his bravery and devotion by not being afraid to die in war.

2) Th quote I picked is from Chapter 4 and 16th line. The line is 子曰。君子喩于义、小人喩于利. I picked this quote because it means that The noble man is aware of fairness, the inferior man is aware of advantage. I thought this was interesting because it explains that those who are higher up are equal and fair to others while the inferior men has the mindset of taking advantage. I think having a true mindset of being fair is important in life.

3) 孔子 focused on teaching political philosophy. He taught the primary task of the ruler was to acheive the welfare and happiness of people in the state.

4) Originally, Zilu was safe while Gaocai was in danger. However, when they heard that there was a coup in the city, Zilu went in the city while Gaocai fled. He died calmly in the end.

5) Yan Hui was fond of studying and was savvy. Answered the question differently. He said a benevolent man makes everyone love him while wise man knows others, not just themselves.

6) He was extremely wealthy. He is very intelligent. He was able to convince leaders that attacking Lu would be useless because it is very easy and would not look good. The leaders believed him and decide to attack another territory. Also, he was a great businessman who admired 孔子 before anything.

Pan Junjie Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social stutas in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

Pan Junjie –

1) Among 孔子的弟子中,子路 is my favorite because he shows his respect towards Confucius for with him for a long period of time. In the end, his relationship with Confucius are more like friends than teacher student relationship.

2) “三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。” is the quote that strikes me the most because when my grandfather passed away, my dad was told that he had to wear a ribbon on his shirt for 3 years to show respect and to remember what my grandfather taught him. This quote strikes me because this has been said by Confucius a long time ago and how it became a tradition that people follows.

3) The teaching philosophy of Confucius are all the words that was said to his students and everything that was taught to them. So, when Confucius passed away, his students created 论语 based on what their teacher taught them.

4) When 子路 died, he was surrounded by enemies and even though he know that he was going to die, he wanted to put his helmet on to show Confucius his respect and how he believed that he should died neatly.

5) Confucius liked 颜回 because he viewed him as the person that he will pass on his teachings to because he thought that  颜回 had very similar characteristics as Confucius himself.

6) 子贡 was considered the smartest student because he knows how to make money and how he pays for basically everything that Confucius needs.

Pei Wentian Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social stutas in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

By Pei Wentian –

  1. Among his best known disciples my favorite is Zilu. He was loyal beyond all else to Confucius however he did not let that get in the way of speaking his mind to his masters. Unlike the other two, he was more individualistic and set out on his own path according to his own morals. His nature as warrior contradicts that of Confucius, yet the two got along very well despite this key difference.
  2. I find one of the more striking quotes in the second Analects, 23 passage, where Confucius responds to a question of government and self.


This is a very impactful statement, that though good moral characteristics can be seen in the government, these characteristics should not be reserved for the government, but rather the people should have these morals from the very start.

  1. Confucius spent his later life traveling with his band of disciples, spreading his teachings far and wide throughout the entity of China.
  2. Zilu’s death was tragic not in the manner of which he died, fighting to the very last in an attempt to protect his charge, but rather how his enemy had desecrated his body and memory by chopping his corpse into pieces and leaving them to pickle in vinegar. This horrified Confucius to the point that he would not eat pickled food ever again after hearing of the fate of one of his greatest students.
  3. Confucius loved Yanhui as more than just one of his students, he viewed him as a surrogate son, and more than that as the embodiment of his ideals given form. Yanhui was the ideal noble man that Confucius would talk about in his Analects, loyal but not unreasonably so, diligent but not obsessed, intelligent but not arrogant. He had truly taken his master’s teachings to heart in improving himself as a better man.
  4. Merchants were viewed poorly because they made their earning off of the work of other people, buying grains from farmers to sell to cities and buying items from cities to sell to farmers. They themselves had not worked in making their goods, rather exchanging these good in between people, acting as a sort of middleman. This led to them gaining a reputation as materialistic and untrustworthy. Zigong managed to be considered the smartest student despite his livelihood as a merchant due to his way with words, he had gained charisma and understood people better than most, acting in a diplomatic role between the warring states of the era.

Zhaomochou Reflected on the Talk Show “Kongzi and His Students”

After watching the TV talk show “孔子和他的弟子们,” our Chinese class students reflected on the following questions:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、子贡等), who is your favorite, why?

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social stutas in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 子贡 was considered the smartest student?

By Zhao Mochou:

1) Among 孔子的弟子中 (e.g. 子路、颜回、自贡等)(zilu, yanhui, zigong, who is your favorite, why?

I would like to say that I love Yanhui for his genuine love of learning, humaneness, and how he never let poverty make him bitter. But I actually find myself gravitating more to Zilu, even though he’s not as “perfect” as Yanhui. His flaws are using his virtue without regard for slowing down and learning. As someone with a short temper, I find him much more “human” and relatable. And he actually recognizes that he has flaws and attempts to work on them (see quote in number 2).

2) Which quote from the 论语 you’ve learned strikes you the most? Why? No repeats from your classmates.

“子路曰。願車馬、衣輕裘、與朋友共、蔽之而無憾。” Zilu’s wish is to give his friends wagons and clothing and not to get angry if they are damaged. I get annoyed easily and also wish to work on that.

3) What was 孔子 devoted to do in his later life? or, what are the teaching philosophy of 孔子?

After exile Confucius attempted to write down his philosophies of self-cultivation, virtue of knowledge, and benevolence in government to make peace with warring kingdoms and their peoples.

4) Please comment on the tragic death of 子路.

子路 was killed during an upheaval in the Wei Kingdom while serving his Lord, whose power was being attacked by Kuaikui. Kuaikui ‘s men killed 子路, and as Matt said, chopped his body into pieces and pickled them. Confucius then grieved and refused to eat pickled foods, instead of adopting an “I-told-you-so” attitude. (Confucius had once warned him that being brave without using your head would lead to your downfall.)

5) 为什么孔子最喜欢颜回?

哀公問、弟子孰爲好學。孔子對曰。有顏囘者。好學、不遷怒、不貳過。不幸短命死矣、今也則亡、未聞好學者也。Confucius loved Yanhui because he loved to study, didn’t take his anger out on others, and never repeated his mistakes. Although Yanhui was very agreeable with Confucius, he wasn’t overly obedient and definitely was intelligent with a strong mind.

6)Why did merchants have the lowest social stutas in the traditional Chinese society? or, Why 自贡 was considered the smartest student?

Merchants didn’t exhibit intelligence like scholars, skill like artisans, or willpower and strength like farmers. Instead they got their profits from other people giving them money. However Zigong was a very wealthy and prestigious merchant who still engaged in intelligent discussion and veneration with Confucius’s teachings on benevolence in government.